A formal note distributed internally to one or more persons in a company, agency, organization, or institution, with a header indicating the date it was sent and stating to whom it is addressed (To:), from whom it is sent (From:), and the subject of the text (Re:). Unlike a letter, a memo does not require a full salutation or signature at the end of the text--the sender may simply initial his or her name in the header. [Source:]
Preferred Labels
- Memorandum (Deutsch)
- bilgi notu (Türkçe)
- emlékeztető (Magyar)
- memorando (Galego)
- memorando (Português)
- memorandum (Română)
- memorandum (Српски)
- memorandum (Svenska)
- memorandum (English)
- memorandum (Italiano)
- memorandum (Nederlands)
- memorandum (Čeština)
- memorandum (Slovenščina)
- memoràndum (Català)
- memorándum (Español)
- muistio (Suomi)
- mémo (Français)
- notat (Dansk)
- μνημόνιο (Ελληνικά)
- меморандум (Українська)
- меморандум (Русский)
- меморандум (Српски)
- مذكرة (العربية)
- メモランダム (日本語)
- 备忘录 (中文)
Alternate Labels
- Denkschrift (Deutsch)
- circular (Español)
- circular (Português)
- comunicación (Español)
- comunicado (Português)
- comunicado (Español)
- memorandum (Dansk)
- memorandum (Français)
- memòria (Català)
- razprava (Slovenščina)
- 備忘錄 (中文)